Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Changing Seasons

Spring is finally here!
When I first arrived in New York it was raining, a bit cold for my California and New Orleans skin, and nothing but dirt. And now- about three weeks later- the trees are blooming and the tulips are blowing kisses from the ground. This is a really exciting time in the city, and my mood has put an extra pep in the step. You see, in places like Los Angeles we have no seasons and there remains a level of stagnancy. Really it is quite funny when you consider that people could have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in a place like New York or Seattle during the winter months. They say people get depressed during this time, but I think they are all lying. The real problem is in places like California- we all become manic through the entire year because we have no weather! Someone find the name for this disease and send it my way. If not, my future psych degree will make a life intention of putting this in the DSM-XXXVII. All this said, I am so grateful to finally experience this city at such a dawn of time. I hear the birds chirping, see the people strolling through Central Park, see frozen yogurt trucks on street corners, and the lanky white legs donning shorts. A sight to see, a sight to see, yippee!

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